ODE Framework provides a library to schedule tasks with cron expression. Its source code is available in vertx-cron-timer repository It uses the cron expression implementation from Quartz and the Vertx’s timer.
Adds dependency to library
Adding a version property to the
Choose the last git tag, 1.0.1 nowadays |
Adding dependency to library in build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile "fr.wseduc:vertx-cron-timer:$vertxCronTimer"
Implements your Job
Create a class that implement Handler<Long> :
public class $JobClassName implements Handler<Long> {
public $JobClassName() {}
public void handle(Long event) {
// Writes the code to run here
Schedules your job with a cron expression
public class $VerticuleAppName extends BaseServer {
public void start() {
// Example : here the default cron expression is "every day at 4am"
final String cronExpression = container.config().getString("$yourProperty$Cron", "0 0 4 * * ?");
try {
new CronTrigger(vertx, cronExpression).schedule(
new $JobClassName()
} catch (ParseException e) {
log.fatal("Invalid cron expression.", e);
schedule jobs are usually declare in the main verticle of your application. It’s a good place to init your application’s context. . |
Your application must contain a configuration property to ajust the default cron expression. Hard coded cron expressions are to avoid. |