import ...
public class $YourName$RegisteredService extends DefaultRegisteredService {
protected static final String PROFILE = "PROFILS";
public void configure( eb, Map<String,Object> conf){
super.configure(eb, conf);
protected void prepareUser(User user, String userId, String service, JsonObject data) {
user.setAttributes(new HashMap<String, String>());
// Profile example
JsonArray profiles = data.getArray("type", new JsonArray());
if (profiles.contains("Teacher")) {
user.getAttributes().put(PROFILE, "National_3");
} else if (profiles.contains("Student")) {
user.getAttributes().put(PROFILE, "National_1");
CAS Registered Service
ODE framework comes with a asynchronous and customizable CAS Server. The identity attributes pass in [/serviceValidate] can be changed by exttending the DefaultRegisteredService Java’s class.
take a look at to deep into our cas server impleentation. |
Specific CAS ticket
The package contains services which output custom attributes to the CAS ticket. It’s usefull to integrate third-party application that need extra identity attributes.
Specific SAML CAS ticket
Param | Type | Description |
user |
fr.wseduc.cas.entities.User |
Cas ticket |
userId |
String |
Graph user Id |
service |
String |
Service URI |
data |
JsonObject |
User data, see registered service example for more details |
Basic example: default identifier as the value for the user tag and the PROFIL attribute as additional attributes
$YourName$ must be replaced by the name of your regitered service. principalAttributeName has by default "login" value, but it’s possbile to configure. |
Specific CAS 2 ticket
Param | Type | Description |
user |
fr.wseduc.cas.entities.User |
Cas ticket |
userId |
String |
Graph user Id |
service |
String |
Service URI |
data |
JsonObject |
User data, see registered service example for more details |
doc |
org.w3c.dom.Document |
xml doc |
additionnalAttributes |
List<org.w3c.dom.Element> |
xml element |
Basic example: default identifier as the value for the user tag and the UID attribute as additional attributes
import ...
public class $YourName$RegisteredService extends AbstractCas20ExtensionRegisteredService {
protected static final String UID = "uid";
public void configure( eb, java.util.Map<String,Object> conf) {
super.configure(eb, conf);
protected void prepareUserCas20(User user, String userId, String service, JsonObject data, Document doc, List<Element> additionnalAttributes) {
try {
// Uid
if (data.containsField("externalId")) {
additionnalAttributes.add(createTextElement(UID, data.getString("externalId"), doc));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Failed to transform User for Uid service", e);
$YourName$ must be replaced by the name of your regitered service. principalAttributeName has by default "login" value, but it’s possbile to configure. |