Frontend Development

Getting started

If you’ve used skeletons to initialize your application, you already have a gulpfile, a webpack config file, and a npm package file. To start front-end development, you first need to install nodeJS 6.11.

Then, you can go in your application folder and install all dependencies:

npm install

You will also need to make the gulp command available:

npm install -g [email protected]

Gulp commands

Two gulp commands are available in your application:

gulp `build`

will start building your typescript files, bundle them in a single file, and add cache-busting utilities.

You need to use gulp build before gradle install, as Gradle (the server-side build tool) will use your current resources directory.

The second one is

gulp watch

This will start a process listening to all changes made to your files, build them and copy them to your springboard directory. You can set your springboard path with the springboard parameter:

gulp watch --springboard /path/to/my/springboard

This also works with relative paths:

gulp watch --springboard ../my/springboard

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